Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Song of the Day: "Someone"

I was working in lab today, alone, and I put on Pandora like I normally do... on the Musiq Soulchild station this time and this song starts to play. I never really paid attention to the words until today, and well *sigh* It's beautiful, I LOVE IT! I wish I could play an instrument! Maybe I'll try to learn this song, just this song... it's worth it, I think!

Well, the original version talks about a girl, but well, I switched it up a bit, and made my own version of it (changes are in bold print). Here goes! "Someone", by Musiq Soulchild, with my slight revisions.

Here's Passion's cover of this song. (Passion, by the way, is also AMAZING! Check him out! YouTube username: passionsf)  Enjoy!

I never wanted a man that wanted
Me for my name or material things, see
I always hope for a man that’s so sure
Emotionally secure, with spiritual faith
A man that I can trust with all of my secrets
And even listen to all of my issues
A man who never judge
Me or how I was
He deals with me strictly through love

Someone who will put up with the things
Loving me can bring
But still be there to see us through
Someone who would put up
With the strange and complicated things
Cause I would do the same for him too
Someone who I can be real with
Ain’t gotta be perfect
Because loving one another is all that matters
It’s not hard to explain
So believe me when I say
That I’ve found all of that in you

All that I hope for, a friendship that’s so pure
A guy I can talk to about whatever is on my heart
A man that needs me
That trust and believes me
That won’t take my kindness as some kind of weakness
A man who bares his soul, who’s willing to let go
A man who respects me and knows how to take control
And when I am feeling down
Cause things are going wrong
He fills me up and makes me feel strong


You are that someone who loves me
Through all my imperfections
You know my heart is filled with nothing but good intentions
You are the one that told me
Long as we got us
Nothing matters
You are the one that sees the joy through the pain
You are my light through the rain
Here and now
Boy, I am saying it’s you
You’re my heart
It’s you
You’re that someone I can truly say that I’ll never find another love like you

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