July 24, 2008
How would I be remembered?
What legacy would I leave behind?
Should people think about me,
What thoughts would come to mind?
Would the not-so-happy memories
Grow faint with the passing of time?
Or would they grow even stronger,
Much more hurtful than before?
Would the laughter and smiles
Overcome the sadness and tears?
Would I be remembered for my weaknesses?
Would I be remembered for my fears?
Would I be remembered as a woman,
As a sister, as a daughter?
Would I be remembered for my actions,My personality, or my character?
Would I be remembered for the times I succeeded?
Or for every time I faltered?
Would I be remembered as a child
Whose eyes were bright with optimism
Who saw the future with excitement,
Marching forward, full of ambition?
Would I be remembered as a teen,
Absorbed in my soul-searching pursuits,
Who questioned everything I thought I knew
And struggled to gain the truth?
Would I be remembered as a student
Who excelled in every way,
Whose passion and thirst for understanding
Grows with each passing day?
Would I be remembered as a leader,
Paving the way for others to follow?
Or as a friend who loves, who laughs, who listens
In both in sadness and in sorrow?
Would I be remembered as a Christian,
God's ambassador to a world corrupted,
Seeking His face, spreading the faith,
Sharing His love to the broken-hearted?
How do I want to be remembered?
Would I make a difference, great or small?
Would I consider my life well-spent
When the time comes to answer God's call?
How would you remember me?
Would you remember me at all?
My life is multi-faceted.
Remember me for me.
Take my life and learn from it
Once my soul has been set free.
lots of food for thought