Recently I thought to myself, hey, how come I never add pictures to my blog? Well, here goes then! Not so many thoughts tonight, just thought I'd try this out. These are a few pictures of the views from the college I attend. This school is, without a doubt, a mind-blowing blessing in disguise. This is my home on the weekdays, my "hilltop prison," I sometimes call it (especially on particularly stressful weeks). These views are pretty amazing though, I'm not gonna lie. On clear days and especially at night, standing in front of the Chapel, you could see all the way from the horizon of the Pacific Ocean to the city lights of downtown LA and beyond. I'm proud of my school, and I really have found my niche here. Without further ado, enjoy!

A sunset view on a cloudy day from the west side of the campus, by the cafeteria patio.

A view of the Getty Center from the east side of the campus. On a clear day, downtown LA and beyond is visible.

The Circle, the heart of the campus. City lights are visible behind the buildings.
beautiful...wanna see the clear day one's too!