Tuesday, September 22, 2009

There comes a time in our lives...

...where we should not only stand firm in our beliefs, but also know exactly why we believe the things we do. Within the past few weeks, it's been increasingly apparent that it is very important to be able to challenge one's own values and morals and look at them from many different and opposing perspectives. (Thanks by the way... that was an intensely challenging and stimulating discussion... ahh, my brain hurts!) I also think one should especially challenge those beliefs which have been instilled within them since childhood and see if those still maintain their truths now that one is capable of forming their own opinions and thoughts.

As my high school AP European History teacher once said, an intellectual does not reject the opinion of others but understands them, yet is still able to stand firm in their own. (Or something like that...)

P.S. I'm trying to make my entries shorter because Jerah keeps saying they're too long! Off I go!


  1. I agree that it is important and necessary to be able to reflect on the beliefs that have been instilled...to hold what is essential, discard what isn't, and to build from there.

  2. Very true, it's come up on a few occasions already where there are some things I feel strongly about, yet when someone starts discussing the "why's" with me, I fall short of carrying the discussion through. I guess it's a process...
